Novice Journal

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Not About Wings – love these lyrics! :)

on May 9, 2012

Here are some sweet and simple lyrics to a song by Downhere. Need a pick-me-up? Here’s the cure 🙂

Not About Wings

Wake dove, stretch your feathers,
Worry not love, how far you could fall.
Fly now, darling find how;
A broken wing can feel the best to soar on

Flying cranes

Flying cranes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s not the perch you’ve climbed to reach,
But the broken wing that’s made you meek;
that’s when He lifts you high

Believing is not about seeing,
Faith is not about reaching,
and on this journey I keep learning,
Flying is not about wings

Sparrow trapped by a window,
every resource spent for just one goal

It’s not by work you find your escape,
but in your defeat when you seek his face;
that’s when He lifts you high

Believing is not about seeing,
Faith is not about reaching,
and on this journey I keep learning,
Flying is not about wings

4 responses to “Not About Wings – love these lyrics! :)

  1. Seo Pressor says:

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    • mjray926 says:

      Thanks so much for the encouragement! I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to respond – your comment ended up in the spam box. I’ll have to check out the website. Thanks again! 🙂

  2. granbee says:

    Totally awesome inspiration that has me way up high, right now! “Flying is not about wings….” such a perfect way to describe uplift and empowerment by the Holy Spirit, Ray!

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